Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year - Resolution = Be Happy

Live, Love and Laugh

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What are you grateful for????

In today's hectic world it not often that people take time to think about things that they should be grateful for. We spend so much time worrying about the things that go wrong, or all the things we need to get done in one day that we seldom take the time to just be grateful.

I was perusing through one of my favorite places " Barnes and Nobles" and came across  a little book titled "A simple act of Gratitude" by John Kralik. I ended up buying the book and I'm almost finished reading it. It really got me to think about all the wonderful people that I am fortunate to have in my life and how I wanted to show them how grateful I was for having them in my life.

John commits to sending out 365 thank you notes, one note per day for a year. And I found myself thinking that I too wanted to try to send out 365 thank you notes in one year and see what type of reaction I get from people and whether doing this will change anything in my life.

I challenge you to think about what you are grateful for and commit to saying more thank you's to the people in your life.

Somethings in life are free so start by giving out thanks you's, smiles and hugs.

Have a wonderful day.

©2013 PaulaSantos

Monday, April 15, 2013

God Bless our Friends in Boston...

God Bless all our friends in Boston. We hope that the person/people responsible for today's attack will be brought to justice. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Boston.
Copyrighted 2013